
Unconventional Core Analysis Services at Ellington Geological Services include:
1) Wellsite NMR on RSWC samples
data: fluids (oil and water)
2) AccuVolume --- Volumetric Analysis
data: densities (bulk and dry)
porosities (oil, water, total)
saturations (oil, water)
3) AccuHDexchange --- H2O-D2O Exchange Experiment
data: irreducible water, BVW_irr
formation water resistivity, Rw
4) AccuPerm --- Permeability Analysis
data: apparent perm values
5) Geochem --- LECO TOC, XRF, XRD, and Pyrolysis (traditional & HAWK PAM method)
data: TOC
S1, S2, S3, Tmax; HI, OI, etc.
elemental compositions
mineral abundances

Biostratigraphy services at Ellington Geological Services include:
1) Wellsite biostratigraphy
2) Pre-drill biostratigraphy
3) Post-well biostratigraphy
4) Other services: “Hotshot”, Biosteering, and Legacy well
We offer multidisciplinary biostratigraphy services to provide subsurface solutions across the oil and gas value chain in exploration, new well delivery, and reservoir development activities.
Our goal is to help our clients reduce the risks and uncertainty associated with complex business decision-making. We customize our services to meet the needs of each project offering fit-to-purpose and cost-effective solutions.
Our team has global experience and particular expertise in regions such as North America (Gulf of Mexico and Canada Atlantic Margin), South America (Colombia, Venezuela, Trinidad, Guyana, and Suriname), North Sea, West Africa (Angola, Ivory Coast, and Ghana), Mediterranean Sea, and South China Sea. We have successfully delivered high-quality, consistent, and efficient work to the oil and gas industry over the decades.

Principle wellsite biostratigraphy services:
---Perform real-time stratigraphic monitoring
---Reduce drilling surprises
---Predict stratigraphy ahead
---Pick casing points
---Pick coring points
---TD selection
---Save rig time costs
---Cavings analysis
Wellsite biostratigraphy is relatively inexpensive compared to other logging or drilling tools. It is a minimal cost in relation to the total cost of drilling a new well. In addition, it can offer unique solutions that other techniques cannot.
Multiple crews including highly experienced biostratigraphers and technicians are available to perform wellsite jobs and assist your drilling programs.

Pre-drill biostratigraphy services:
---Design and layout a cost-effective biostrat analytical program that better fits and supports the operational objectives and aims of each well
---Tailor biostrat programs to reduce risks and uncertainty in consideration of the unique technical challenges and HSE risks associated with each well
---Review details of existing biostrat data from offset wells
---Build a feasible and robust biostratigraphic model that will address and support operational decisions in real time
---Design and execute a pilot project to build a high resolution biostrat framework that will support the wellsite stratigraphic control

Principal post-well services:
---Infill micropaleontology, nannofossil and palynology analyses to provide a full coverage of the drilled section, and to increase the resolution on key intervals
---Integrate wellsite biostratigraphy data to update regional and field models including correlation with offset wells in IC (former ODM)

We also provide other biostratigraphy services such as "Hotshot", Biosteering, and Legacy Well.
“Hotshot” biostratigraphy services:
---24/7 ⼀ Sample pickup, sample receiving, paleo prep, and more
---24/7 ⼀ Lab manager for coordination
---24/7 ⼀ Lab technicians for sample processing
---On Call ⼀ Biostratigraphers for analyses and consulting
---24/7 ⼀ Lab space for sample viewing
Biosteering services during the drilling of horizontal or high-angle wells:
---Perform stratigraphic monitoring at a reservoir scale
---Maximize reservoir contact and penetration
---Augment hydrocarbon recovery
---Help adjust the well path and stay in the pay zone
Legacy well biostratigraphy services:
---Conduct detailed reviews of biostrat legacy data
---Integrate and correlate complex datasets
---Provide consistency and reliable reinterpretations

We offer a full range of palynology services including:
---Wellsite Palynology
---Palynology Stratigraphic Solutions
---Paleoenvironmental Interpretations
---Review of Legacy Palynological Data
Ellington Geological Services performs high quality palynological analysis on cuttings, ditch-cuttings, sidewall cores, cores, and outcrop samples to get as much information as possible in terms of Biostratigraphy, Chronostratigraphy, Sequence Stratigraphy, and Paleoenvironments.
---Fully quantitative analyses and high quality microscopy
---Use of StrataBugs™ to analyze primary biostratigraphy data
---Paleoenvironmental interpretations using quantitative analysis and integration of micropaleontology and palynology
---Integration of biostratigraphic and geological data and correlations in IC Well Visualization (former ODM)

We offer a full range of Micropaleontology services including:
---Wellsite Micropaleontology
---Micropaleontology Stratigraphic Solutions
---Paleoenvironmental Interpretations
---Review of Legacy Micropaleontological Data

We offer a full range of Nannopaleontology services including:
---Wellsite Nannopaleontology
---Nannopaleontology Stratigraphic Solutions
---Paleoenvironmental Interpretations
---Review of Legacy Nannopaleontological Data

Our innovative cuttings sample workflow aims to extract data with maximum value from cuttings in the most cost-effective way.
The cuttings workflow involves our newest cuttings technologies such as Spectral Gramma Ray (SpetralGR), Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR), and Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR).

Our technology of Spectral Gamma Ray using as-received wet cuttings or dry-washed cuttings provides high-quality data of K, U, Th, and SpectralGR.
Non-destructive, fast (~3 mins per sample), and cost-effective
1) Determine confidence level between results from drill cuttings and downhole logs
2) Resolve ambiguity on cuttings depth shifts
3) Provide alternative gamma log when downhole GR log is uncertain or absent
4) Estimate shale or clay contents, clay typing, organic matter, and depositional environment
5) QC mudlogging and store wet cuttings and so forth

Our cuttings Technology of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) using as-received wet cuttings provides quality data of NMR T2 distribution, Clay Bound Water (CBW), "Bound" Fluids, "Free" Fluids, Total Fluids, T2logmeanCBW, and so forth.
Non-destructive, fast (~3 mins per sample), and cost-effective
Potential applications:
1) Extract information about clay bound water
2) Use as a proxy to estimate in-situ formation free fluids
3) Investigate NMR T2 distributions for additional fluid characteristics

Our cuttings technology of Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) serves as a fast screening tool providing quality data of IR spectra.
Non-destructive, fast (~40 seconds), and cost-effective
Potential applications:
1) Use for rock-typing
2) Estimate mineralogic composition

Our LECO C230 analyzer ensures the most complete sample combustion with high-temperature induction furnaces and represents the “gold standard” for carbon determination.
This service has been provided at Ellington since the beginning of the company back in 1989.
We provide rapid and accurate determination using minimal amounts of sample material for:
- Total Organic Carbon (TOC)
- Total Carbon (TC)

HAWK Pyrolysis classical method identifies type and maturity of source rock organic matter and hydrocarbon potential. The HAWK instrument, through a programmed heating process, provides critical information needed to estimate hydrocarbon potential.
Measurements from the pyrolysis classical method are:
S1: free oil content
S2: remaining generation potential
Tmax: temperature at maximum evolution of S2
S3: organic carbon dioxide yield
HAWK PAM method provides evaluation on mobile hydrocarbons.
Measurements from the HAWK PAM method are listed below.
a. Oil 1 (mg HC/g rock):
b. Tmax Oil 1
c. Oil 2 (mg HC/g rock):
d. Tmax Oil 2
e. Oil 3 (mg HC/g rock):
f. Tmax Oil 3
g. Oil 4 (mg HC/g rock):
h. Tmax Oil 4
i. K-1 (mg HC/g rock):
j. Tmax K-1

Our Bruker X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) D2 Phaser instruments provide qualitative and quantitative crystalline phase analysis by means of XRD mineralogy, including bulk and clay analysis. Mineral type and abundance as well as brittleness and grain density can be determined to identify and locate problem minerals, evaluate porosity and reservoir quality.
We provide quantitative analyses for:
- XRD Bulk Mineralogy
- XRD Clay Speciation

The Bruker Handheld XRF Tracer is an ultra-portable device providing a great performance and unique features for elemental analysis.
Different matrix matched calibrations are available for typical mineral types including mudrock and limestone.
It also allows to directly make on-site measurements and obtain real-time results.

Cuttings Handling
(full HSE compliance)
---Samples are received at all hours and are inventoried.
---Samples are washed to remove mud contaminants, then air dried and labeled.
---Sample viewing space is available.
---Wet and dry cuttings are stored in ambient or chilled conditions.

Our advanced statistical data integration service provides a robust method of extracting data information from massive datasets for reservoir characterization and formation evaluation.
---Our experts with in-depth and extensive knowledge about geology, stratigraphy, geochemistry, and statistics would perform a thorough data analysis including data QC, data evaluation, data integration, and well correlations.
---The method of utilizing multivariate statistical analysis would help synthesize complex datasets acquired from downhole logging tools and rock samples (cores, plugs, and cuttings……) in the laboratory.
---Clustering analyses are conducted to determine Rock Types and pick Formation Tops.
---Data display of the integrated data logs is also delivered.

Versatile Detectors:
> Velocity probe
> Permeability probe
> FTIR probe
> Impulse hammer probe
Data Deliverables:
- Velocities
- Gas permeability
- Mineral composition
- Mechanical hardness
List of Services
• Biostratigraphy Services (Overview)
• (Wellsite) Biostratigraphy
• (Pre-drill) Biostratigraphy
• (Post-well) Biostratigraphy
• (Others: Hotshot……) Biostratigraphy
• Palynology
• Micropaleontology
• Nannopaleontology
Sample Management:
• Sample Management (General)
• (Workflow) Sample Management
• (Paleo Prep) Sample Management
• (Solvent Extraction) Sample Management
Cuttings Technology:
• Innovative Cuttings Workflow
• Cuttings Technology: SpectralGR
• Cuttings Technology: NMR
• Cuttings Technology: FTIR
• Geochem Analyses: TOC, Pyrolysis, XRF, and XRD
Geochem Services:
• Geochem Analyses
• LECO TOC (Geochemistry)
• HAWK Pyrolysis (Geochemistry)
• XRD Mineralogy (Geochemistry)
• XRF Elements (Geochemistry)
Other Services:
• Data Integration Service
• AutoScan Core Scanning